Yorkville Bands
Marching Foxes Leadership
2024 Marching Foxes Leadership Application
Due Friday, May 3, 2024
Step I:
Go to the following link to fill out the online application and submit your resume. (see the application questions before starting a survey so you can prepare. Also, make sure to have your resume completed and ready to upload before you begin your application.) sample resume
Step II:
Conduct an interview with a leader of your choice about the qualities of a good leader and fill out Leadership Interview Completion Form regarding your interview. Select your leader carefully. We would like you to select and interview a leader in our school, preferibly not another student leader.
Step III:
Interview with Mr. Vriezen and Mr. Anderson. Once you have completed Step I & Step II by Friday, May 3rd, if needed, we will set up individual interviews with you to be scheduled on Monday, May 6th. Color Guard Captain Auditions will take place on Wednesday, May 1st.
* Throughout this application process, make sure to utilize your Y115 email address & google login in order to access all files.
Leadership Application Schedule
Monday, April 29
Drum Major Clinic #1 (2:45 - 4:15 PM) - Go over the drum major packet and all skills that will be assessed in the audition
Wednesday, May 1
Color Guard Captain Auditions with Ms. Wilusz (3 - 4:30 PM - YHSA Back Gym)
Thursday, May 2
Drum Major Clinic #2 (2:45 - 4:15 PM) - Go over the drum major packet and all skills that will be assessed in the audition
Friday, May 3
Drum Major Auditions & Interviews (2:45 - 4:15 PM)
Leadership Applications due on-line
Monday, May 6
Section Leader Interviews (if needed) - Interviews with Mr. Vriezen & Mr. Anderson, by appointment
Friday, May 10
Leadership Team Meeting (2:45 - 3:45 PM)
July 15 - July 29
Potential dates for some additional leadership training opportunities